
2020-08-04 15:24:49

我们很多人都在想,如何更好地应对这样一场前所未有的危机,以及它将对未来产生什么样的影响。作为一个品牌,我们现在的首要任务是什么?新冠疫情(COVID-19)会怎样影响我们现在和未来的营销策略?在这样的困难时期,我们如何防止营销误区?这就是世界品牌大会的主题“全球疫情下的品牌如何逆势成长”。我们邀请了美国、英国和法国的四位教授参加演讲和互动。他们是:哈佛大学商学院教授约翰·戴腾(Prof. John Deighton)、剑桥大学制造业研究院教授斯蒂芬·埃文斯教授(Prof. Steve Evans)、牛津大学赛德商学院教授斯蒂芬·沃格(Prof. Steve Woolgar)、欧洲工商管理学院学术院长齐夫·卡门教授(Prof. Ziv Carmon)。




John Deighton:In the years leading up to the global pandemic, online shopping grew slowly to about 5-15% of retail spending, depending on the brand and category. Suddenly in less than half a year the world has changed more than in the past ten years. Shoppers do 50% more shopping online in many categories, while other categories have crashed to near zero. In the United States, some companies that should have flourished have struggled, and others have jumped ahead. Amazon’s share of online retailing fell from 42% to 34% losing to Target, Walmart and Etsy.

The first learning from the pandemic has been that agility matters more than ever. And agility is easier if a brand has up-to-date information, so insightful market research, not just data, is turning out to be vital. In particular, bottom-up information is proving to be invaluable. Information on retail reopenings helps agile firms to see where consumers are coming back to stores, and where online shopping is still the only way to buy essential products. A second learning is to change the way brands talk to consumers. They must not be light or humorous or lacking in empathy. People are insecure. They want specific, helpful information. Third, marketing must feed back to the rest of the senior leadership team.


Steve Evans:I will talk about ‘The Age of Experiments’. We are all aware of the great disruption caused by Corona Virus, but more frequent and large disruptions are likely to become normal. Businesses must find a path to become resilient-big and strong. I have been working with governments, large corporations and others to help improve their resilience to such disruptions. I will briefly explain the types of disruptions that are predicted over the next 25 years and the methods used by companies to design resilient strategies (strategies that work under good and poor conditions). I will explain some key issues in preparing for the near future-firstly why growth in size alone will not make a business strong, secondly why growth in well-being is becoming important, thirdly why trust will become the most important business word of the next decade, and lastly, how companies are accelerating their experiments and improving their ability to innovate as part of their plan for resilience.




Steve Woolgar:Amidst the coronavirus pandemic, many businesses and brands are asking How should I help? How can I act while staying true to my own purpose? Can I play a role if my brand purpose has yet to be defined or activated? How can I act and communicate in ways that add value without being opportunistic?I’ve yet to meet anyone who has ever taken a class on how to conduct brand communications during a pandemic.

Maybe this topic will become a fixture in future college courses, but for now, conventional wisdom is out the window and most marketers are navigating without a rule book. I would argue that one of most the meaningful things brands can do right now is focus on two qualities:helpfulness and empathy.

But of particular significance, brands form the basis of relationships, not just between the company and its customers, but between groups and networks of customers themselves. And by customers we mean both actual and potential customers, observes, commentators, experts, politicians and so on. Research shows that the most successful brands play to the concerns and anxieties of this large societal collective of potential customers. Successful brands sit within and strengthen the network of relations which they make visible.   



我通过讨论在新冠期间取得成功的品牌实例来说明这种方法。值得注意的是,两个例子包括:超越肉类(Beyond Meat),领先的植物性肉类替代品以及Zoom,在COVID-19期间大受欢迎的基于视频电话云的点对点软件平台。我还讨论了另一个有趣的例子,基于INSEAD最近的一个案例研究,即柠檬汁(Lemonad),一个流行的财产和意外险在线保险品牌,最近在纽约证券交易所完成了非常成功的首次公开募股。在大量使用人工智能和深入的客户洞察力的基础上,柠檬汁解决了长期存在的痛点,这些痛点助长了客户对行业的普遍不满,比如以最低的价格提供良好的客户体验,以及典型的保险商业模式中固有的利益冲突,通过拒绝索赔来赚钱的诱惑。

Ziv Carmon:The Covid pandemic has caused unprecedented economic fallout—many firms have lost fortunes, some even pushed to bankruptcy. Other firms, however, managed to flourish during this crisis. According to the Financial Times, during first half of 2020, the collective market cap of ‘Covid winners’ increased by a remarkable ~$6 Trillion.

Beyond the role of luck-being at the right place at the right time, key to success during crises is deep customer centricity.In particular, brands must identify central customer pain points-recurring problems that inconvenience or annoy customers, understand the underlying customer psychology, and devise effective approaches to eliminate those. While such customer centricity is always important, major crises accentuate customer sensitivities and make it more important than ever to reduce ill feelings and help customers to experience brands favorably.

I illustrate this approach by discussing instances of brands that succeeded during COVID-19. Notably, two examples include: Beyond Meat, the leading plant-based meat-substitute, and Zoom—the video telephony cloud-based peer-to-peer software platform that has become so popular during COVID-19. I also discuss another interesting example, building on a recent INSEAD case study about Lemonade—the popular property and casualty online-only insurance brand that recently completed a very successful NYSE initial public offering. Building on heavy use of artificial intelligence and deep customer insight, Lemonade resolved long-standing pain points that fuel widespread customer dissatisfaction with the industry, such as offering a great customer experience at rock-bottom prices, and inherent conflict of interest in typical insurance business models-the temptation to make money by denying claims.

